24LHDVD11-06 Deborah Vails - God Will Fight for You

3 months ago

How does God fight for you? Jesus is seated at the right hand of the Father and He is making intercession for you!! When the enemy shall come in like a flood the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him. We should be grateful for that standard that God raises for us. The Blood of Jesus is what covers us and we want to stay under that Blood. We want the convicting power of the Holy Ghost to keep us straight in our relationship with God. The thread that ties this message together is that “God will be your defense!” You don’t have to defend yourself. The enemy is out for blood and the church must arise and take its rightful place in the body and the earth realm. God is going to use His people if we submit to Him. This encouraging teaching is a must listen to.

Deborah Vail's website: https://setfreeoutreachministries.org/
Deborah Vail's YouTube Channel:
Lake Hamilton Bible Camp - http://lakehamiltonbiblecamp.com
Lake Hamilton Bible Camp's Free Audio: http://lhbconline.com
Lake Hamilton Bible Camp Spiritual Resource Catalog:
Free MP3 Audio of Deborah Vails - http://lhbconline.com/deborah-vails/

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