24LHDVD11-03 Charles Jernigan - Satans Temptations

3 months ago

Many Christians fall when yielding to the persistent temptations from the enemy. The first reference is Genesis 3:1-5. The devil recognized the special anointing upon Adam and Eve. They were without sin, walking in pure holiness, covered in God’s glory. His strategic temptation was to challenge the Word of God. We must guard our hearts and minds from ingesting doctrines of demons, manipulating Scripture to have it fit our lifestyle. Some would not consider this to be a temptation but the Word is simple. Sin is what the Bible says it is. Temptation is like a fishing lure. It looks like food but it’s got hooks in it. Various examples are given where satan uses the tactics of temptation to destroy our testimony and steal our anointing. Service ends with deliverance ministry.

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