Give Me Your Blessing, Holy Son of God - lesson 161 - A Course In Miracles

2 months ago

Give Me Your Blessing, Holy Son of God - lesson 161 - a Weekly Zoom Call with James for Students of “A Course in Miracles.” Please review a written copy of today's material below and join us next time for our weekly group discussions. Click here to sign up for this weeks zoom call
Subjects Discussed:
1 - Learn to see all others as offering you the opportunities to choose forgiveness over judgment, love over fear, and thus peace over pain.
2 - This lessons helps us depart the ego's mindset and return to our true loving essence and nature.
3 - By having the free will to see all things you can then choose what you want to focus on which then tells you what resides within you.
4 - When you give anger to the ego it produces resentment, guilt, shame and regret. Diving deeper into the darkness.
5 - When you give anger to the Holy Spirit it produces compassion, forgiveness, kindness, mercy and grace. Bringing the darkness to the light.
6 - Being all One, whatever you offer to a brother you get to experience yourself. Thus you can heal or poison yourself with the thoughts you have of him or her.
7 - When you don't really want to forgive that's ok, Relish in the darkness to truly feel how unlike the darkness is to the truth in you.
8 - When you feel like holding unto a grudge, you are in essence denying/trying to unconsciously block God's definition of you, how God sees you.
9 - Practice makes perfect. Many times it is necessary to forgive numerous times in order to fully forgive. Recall, people are always doing the best they can with the emotional tools they have.
10 - Learn to free yourself from your judgments of others so that you can set yourself free to experience the state of peace.
11 - It is not what others do that weighs you down, it is your judgment of them that weigh you down.
12 - Every moment allows you the opportunity to begin anew.
13 - You don't judge another unless they trigger you. That trigger resides within you. So your brother is simply, through their behavior helping you release and let go of your triggers/past programs.
14 - "Not your monkey, not your circus!"
15 - Everything that occurs "out there" is being offer to you to help you heal some aspect of your internal condition and conditioning.
16 - The body is a symbol of the temporal, fear, death. The dust that returns to dust.
17 - We mentally attack another body because we think that other body is separate from our own. But being all One, what we think or do to others hurts or heals us.
18 - Christ vision vs the ego's site. Focusing on the soul vs the body. Practice seeing everyone through Christ vision, as God created them to be.
19 - Does God know our body's pain?
20 - One God, Three parts/forms.
21 - When you behold a brother, focus not on their body but on their eternal soul.
22 - Viewing this world through the ego's lens leads to fear and death
23 - Viewing this world through Christ vision lead to redemption, forgiveness, peace, and eternal life.
24- Your salvation resides by viewing your brother Only as God created him.
25 - Your brother, in each interaction, is offering you the opportunity to depart the darkness and thus experience and see the world as God created it for us to enjoy and share.
26- Whoever you are holding within your heart and mind as something other than God's perfect creation is your savior, the one who has come into your life to deprogram you from the ego's world, mindset and tools.
27- A sin is a mistake that calls for correction.
28 - Remember the Perfect Love is in control. All will always be all-right.
29- To release control (your ego's plan for the universe) practice trusting God more.
30 - How to develop a little more peace each day, and thus a little more trust in God. The more you develop your peace of mind the more you are developing your trust in God.

Give me your blessing, holy Son of God. Lesson 161.

1. Today we practice differently, and take a stand against our anger, that our fears may disappear and offer room to love. ²Here is salvation in the simple words in which we practice with today’s idea. ³Here is the answer to temptation which can never fail to welcome in the Christ where fear and anger had prevailed before. ⁴Here is Atonement made complete, the world passed safely by and Heaven now restored. ⁵Here is the answer of the Voice for God.

2. Complete abstraction is the natural condition of the mind. ²But part of it is now unnatural. ³It does not look on everything as one. ⁴It sees instead but fragments of the whole, for only thus could it invent the partial world you see. ⁵The purpose of all seeing is to show you what you wish to see. ⁶All hearing but brings to your mind the sounds it wants to hear.

3. Thus were specifics made. ²And now it is specifics we must use in practicing. ³We give them to the Holy Spirit, that He may employ them for a purpose which is different from the one we gave to them. ⁴Yet He can use but what we made, to teach us from a different point of view, so we can see a different use in everything.

Sign up and join us for our weekly Wednesday 7pm est. free 'A Course in Miracles' Meet Up:

We are delighted to be offering an additional weekly Zoom workshop with James Blanchard Cisneros on Wednesdays. The Wednesday weekly Zoom calls are for people who are interested in exploring topics related to “A Course in Miracles”. During each Zoom call, participants will have time to ask questions and discuss “A Course in Miracles” topics. The current plan is to hold the weekly “A Course in Miracles” Zoom calls on Wednesdays at 7pm est.

We hope you will join us for this special opportunity to connect with James and other like minded people.

When: Wednesdays (beginning June 5)
Time: 7pm est
Cost: Free
Registration is required. Please click here to sign up for this weeks zoom call.

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