SMON: the Virus that wasn’t

2 months ago

The clioquinol hypothesis explained all the features of the SMON syndrome that had made it appear to be a virus. Its tendency to appear in hospital patients, to cluster in families, to afflict medical workers, and to break out more heavily in the summer—all of these reflected the patterns of clioquinol use. It also explains why SMON had been a particularly Japanese phenomenon, as sales of the drug were much higher there.

Inventing the AIDS Virus, by Peter H. Duesberg:

Viruses Don't Exist and Why It Matters, by Dr. Sam Bailey:'t-Exist-and-Why-It-Matters:4

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Rain and Tears by Neutrin05 / neutrin05
Creative Commons — Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported — CC BY-SA 3.0
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Music promoted by Audio Library • Rain and Tears – Neutrin05 (No Copyright)

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