Forgiveness Sets You Free. The End of War Begins Within Us. – a ‘Daily Inspiration’ meet up

2 months ago

Today we discuss our daily inspirational message for November 18: "Forgiveness sets you free. The End of War Begins Within Us.” You can review a written version below.

Please join us next time for our weekly group discussions based upon James Blanchard Cisneros 'Daily Inspirations.'
Subjects Discussed:
1 - Being all One, when we judge another we hurt ourselves, when we forgive another we free ourselves.
2 - Seeds of conflict: judging self or others, anger, resentment, hate, fear, doubt, shame, guilt.
3 - If you want a peaceful life choose peaceful thoughts that will smooth and pave the way to peace.
4 - Being all One when you have an unloving thought, you poison yourself. When you have a loving thought, you heal yourself.
5 - Ask yourself: "Have the thoughts of judgment, fear, anger, ever brought you to the state of peace?"
6 - Practice taking personal responsibility for the thoughts you are thinking.
7 - Each interaction, and each person in those interactions, are offering you the opportunity to choose forgiveness over judgment, and thus peace over pain.
8 - Do what brings you peace and you will have peace.
9 - There are no orders of difficulty in miracles, forgive whatever the ego's story is and you will have peace.
10 - When your thoughts are loving in nature, the truth in you is in control of your thoughts and thus of your mind and life.
11 - When your thoughts are unloving in nature, the ego and its past programs are in control of your thoughts and thus of your mind and life.
12 - Listening is an expression of Love and thus it's a great tool to develop in order to become a light in this world.
13 - Practice catching yourself when you are out of alignment with the state of peace. Do not judge yourself for this, simply stop placing your time, focus and energy on that delusion.
14 - Recall: The past is gone, it can hurt me not.
15 - Practice using your anxiety, doubt and fear, "loss of control" to trust God more.
16 - The more you trust God, and place the future in God's hands, the more peace you will experience.
17 - Perfection created you, your are, the truth in you, no matter what the ego says, is perfect.
18 - Guilt is saying to you that you are out of alignment with the all loving mind of God.
19 - Consciously stop supporting thoughts that don't support the life you want.
20 - To align with the mind of God, practice seeing your brothers and sisters as innocent.
21 - Our brothers and sister are simply an external picture of our internal condition and conditioning.
22 - Listen to what expression of Love the moment and those in it are asking you to be, then be and share that.
23 - Allow people to vent, then offer them the light that they are looking for. They are helping you develop "the act of listening" becoming a better listener.
24- When other vent, fill yourself in loving light, overflow with this light, and then offer it, this loving light, to them.
25 - Learning to set self-loving boundaries.

Daily Inspiration: November 18. The End of War Begins Within Us – Condensed Version

We have been programmed by the ego to believe that we are separate from other people. The belief in this false concept is one of the reasons that war and other human conflicts are possible. According to the ego, if we are separate from other people, then what we do to them will not affect us. Yet how many times have we become angry, judged and condemned another without encountering the lingering stench of guilt, shame and regret? How many times have we convicted people as guilty and yet found ourself imprisoned with them within our own mind? How many times have we attacked another (through thoughts, words or actions) and not felt the heavy burden of the consequences of our deeds? Everything we offer another must first flow through us, and thus we heal or poison ourself with every thought we think of them, word we share and action we take.

Peace is an expression of the Love that created us. It is our true, eternal essence and nature, foundation and Home. Any thought or emotion that tries to place itself in opposition to peace is a seed of conflict. Some seeds of conflict are judgment, frustration, anger, anxiousness, fear, resentment, hate, guilt, shame and revenge. When we attack another (be it through thoughts, words or actions), being all One, we are attacking ourself. We cannot attack ourself and also find peace in our mind and joy in our heart. Today, let us recall that thanks to free will, in any moment, we can deny the ego’s demands for war. When we consciously decline to align with and support non-loving thoughts, we pave our path to peace. Today, let us consciously practice aligning our mind with thoughts that will help us pave our peaceful path. As we do, let us behold conflict begin to dissolve before our love, light, wisdom, mercy and grace.

We are delighted to be holding weekly Zoom calls with James, the author of the Daily Inspiration messages and the book You Have Chosen to Remember. During each video call, James elaborates on a Daily Inspiration message from the previous week. There is also time for participants to ask questions and discuss the Daily Inspiration topics from the week before. The weekly Zoom calls with James are on Mondays at 7pm est.
We hope you will join us for this special opportunity to connect with James and other like-minded people.
When: Mondays
Time: 7pm est
Cost: Free
Registration is required. Please click here to sign up for this weeks zoom call.
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