3 months ago

Bill Keller
October 23, 2024
In the bitterly fractious, misinformation-saturated, social-mediated America of 2024, it’s hard to think of a consensus candidate for the title of most trusted, but it would probably not be a journalist. The authors of one Gallup survey last year declared their assessment of public trust and confidence in mass media “the grimmest in Gallup’s history.” Among Gallup’s ranking of the 10 US civic and political institutions involved in the democratic process, mass media and Congress were tied for the least trusted.
Trust in the media did not evaporate; it fractured. A YouGov survey in May found that for the most part, Americans profess some confidence in the news sources they personally consume, much as voters who regard Congress with contempt nonetheless keep reelecting their incumbent lawmakers. Democrats are more likely to trust what we have come to refer to as “mainstream media” — the major daily newspapers, the TV networks, CNN and NPR, et al. — while Republicans, with Donald Trump serving as their cheerleader, scorn those outlets as “fake news” and rely mostly on the smug right-wingers of Fox and Newsmax. Young readers are more likely than older readers to get their news from social media, and more likely to trust it.

RINO opposition must unite around Trump to stop destruction of our country
By Peter Navarro - Tuesday, March 12, 2024
Fox News, in particular, is far more dangerous to Mr. Trump than any “wear their leftist hatred on their sleeves” networks like ABC, CNN, and MSNBC. This is because far too many conservatives and Republicans still think that Fox News is pro-Trump.
Because of this broad misperception, Mr. Murdoch’s minions inflicted a thousand nicks and cuts on Mr. Trump during the 2020 campaign and have already tried to bloody Mr. Trump this cycle. Now, however, the word must now go down from Mr. Murdoch himself to those who run Fox News — principally his son Lachlan, CEO Suzanne Scott, President Lauren Petterson, Karl Rove, and former House Speaker Paul Ryan on the board of directors. Fox News must end its fifth column attacks on Mr. Trump.
It’s not just strident anti-Trump critics like Neil Cavuto, Brett Baier, Juan Williams, John Roberts, Brian Kilmeade, and former Trump press secretary Kayleigh McEnany who should be told, Roger Ailes style, to tone it down. Fox News producers also play an outsized role in shaping anti-Trump messaging and enforcing the cancellation of Trump surrogates from appearing on the network.

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