Further Instruction in Righteous Living 30 Nov. '24

3 months ago

Further Instruction in Righteous Living; This IS My Father's World; Do YOU Assemble to meet the KING?; Yah is more than able complete what He started; Believer cannot live in sin; Sinful pastors/preachers preach in with envy & jealousy; if we believe, we will love, if we love, we will witness; Fruit bearing IS A Requirement; Take on the mind of Messiah, that was also in Paul; Messiah humbled Himself to accept death of the cross/stake, will you humble?; obey; be blameless, harmless, without rebuke; Work OUT YOUR salvation with fear & trembling; don't start the faith only to stop, losing the race of faith; Have YOU become an Enemy of the Cross/stake?; IS YOUR belly your god?; stand fast!; True Peace; I can do ALL things, through Messiah; Do YOU bare fruit?; Philippians

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