24LHDVD11-01 Randy Richey - Deliverance from Iniquity

2 months ago

What is sin? Randy targets transgressions of the law that many people believe have been done away with. We do have a new covenant, new high priest, perfect blood that has met all the atonement requirements, and a new temple. However, the standard for living is still the same. Idolatry, murder, adultery, incest, tattoes, theft, etc. remain unacceptable in our lives as believers. If you no longer care you are in a dangerous spot. True repentance ignites the mercies of God and paves the way for deliverance, healing and restoration to your relationship with your Heavenly Father. This message is packed full of prayer and teaching that will help you in your walk towards spiritual freedom.

Randy & Callie Richey's website: http://christoutreachoklahoma.com/
Lake Hamilton Bible Camp - http://lakehamiltonbiblecamp.com
Lake Hamilton Bible Camp Free Audio - http://lhbconline.com
Lake Hamilton Bible Camp Spiritual Resource Catalog:
Free MP3 Audio of Randy & Callie Richey -

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