Guardians or Givers | 1 Samuel 30:21-22

3 months ago

After Christmas, we will begin a 22-year journey through the Bible. The first book is The Letter of James. The new format will be 7 days in the chapter (Daily Devo) and then one longer form of teaching from that chapter (The Vince Miller Show). It will feel like seven days of close examination of Scripture, with one high-level teaching that is practical and applicable, tying the chapter together. Also, I want you to pray that God will use this in a special way so that people everywhere will know, grow, and go in their faith, living all-in for Him.

Are you a worthless guardian or a worthy giver?

David and his men enjoy a massive victory, but they meet up with the 200 soldiers they left behind on their return. Those who were too tired to follow. Let’s look at today’s text from 1 Samuel 30:21-22

Then David came to the two hundred men who had been too exhausted to follow David, and who had been left at the brook Besor. And they went out to meet David and to meet the people who were with him. And when David came near to the people he greeted them. Then all the wicked and worthless fellows among the men who had gone with David said, “Because they did not go with us, we will not give them any of the spoil that we have recovered, except that each man may lead away his wife and children, and depart.” — 1 Samuel 30:21-22

The victory was complete; the enemy was defeated, families were restored, and the spoils were theirs. But a crack was exposed as David and his men returned. Some men, described as “wicked and worthless,” refused to share the spoils with the 200 who had stayed behind. Their reasoning?

"If they didn’t fight, they don’t deserve a bite."

Their statement highlights a severe lack of spiritual perspective, which results in an attitude of selfishness. A few "worthless" men saw the victory as their achievement rather than God’s accomplishment. They failed to recognize that God's provision to find the fight, arrive at the perfect time for the fight, the strength to fight, and the spoils from the fight were all provisions from the Lord. Instead of having an attitude of gratitude toward God and others, they became guardians, drawing hard lines between who was "worthy" of the spoil and who was not. Thus, they showed themselves as "worthless."

We are not so different. When God grants us success or blessings, how often do we claim them as our own? How often do we hold tightly to the spoils—our time, talents, resources, or victories—rather than sharing them generously? In our selfishness, we forget that every good thing comes from God (James 1:17). And when we cling to what is God's as if it were ours, we fail to reflect his generosity and become "wicked and worthless."

Tomorrow, we will see how David responds to this.

But for now, here is the charge: Be generous with what God has given you. Recognize that every victory, every blessing, and every resource is God's. Use it all to reflect God's goodness. Don’t guard the spoils; share them freely, giving him worth.

#GenerosityOfGod, #Stewardship, #BiblicalLeadership

Ask This:
How can you reflect God’s generosity in sharing your time, talents, and blessings with others today?
Are you holding tightly to something God has given, forgetting it’s His provision?
Do This:
Be generous today.

Pray This:
Lord, help me to see every blessing as a gift from You and not my own achievement. Teach me to share generously, reflecting Your grace and goodness to others. Amen.

Play This:
Worthy of it All.

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