🔥Scott Jennings | Biden is leaving office in complete and total disgrace🔥

3 months ago

🔥HOLY SMOKES: Scott Jennings takes a blowtorch to DNC shill who says Biden 'wasn’t lying' when he said he wouldn't pardon Hunter. This is four minutes of straight FIRE:🔥
"It's all a lie. It is all a grift. Every American except the most partisan, brain-rotted people are going to be outraged by this."
"Joe Biden is leaving office, making the strongest possible case for Donald Trump that anybody could possibly make it. And that's that our government and our justice system is of, by, and for the elites and nobody else. He ran to banish Trumpism from our political system in this country, and he has left it politically and now institutionally, the strongest possible political force in this country."
"He is leaving office in complete and total disgrace. He is a liar and there is no other way to spin this."
"These people are liars. Inflation is transitory. Afghanistan is a success. The border is secure. Robert her is a liar. The videos are cheap fakes. Biden has a cold. He'll never drop out. Oh, I'll never pardon Hunter. It's all a lie. It is all a grift. Every American except the most partizan brain rotted people are going to be outraged by this."
"He's drained every ounce of credibility from every surrogate. If Karine Jean-Pierre had an ounce of self-respect, she'd get off the plane in Africa today where they're going so he can avoid the press and resign. He's drained all of her credibility. And everybody else who's defended this. It's draining. Draining for everyone."

🔥🔥Scott Jennings: "Never again do I want to hear:
- Donald Trump is a liar, you can't believe anything he says.
- Donald Trump will abuse his power.
- Donald Trump will only use the system to benefit himself and his family.
Never. Again.

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