Music of Worship (12-1-24)

3 months ago

Meditation (0:13) O, Isaiah, Dance for Joy
Lo, How a Rose E’er Blooming (3:40) (public domain)
Psalm 130 (7:56) (public domain)
Kyrie (9:28)
Savior of the Nations, Come (9:50) (public domain )
Sanctus (12:13) (music: Timothy Kou – used by permission)
Psalm 8 (chant) (13:11) (Tone I Madeira – used by permission)
Of the Father’s Love Begotten (16:05) (public domain)
Gospel Response (21:34)
Good People All (21:56) (st 2-4-Jordan Doolittle – used by permission)
Doxology (25:46)
Remember, O Thou Man (26:24) (public domain)
The Angel Gabriel (29:26) (public domain)
Magnificat (32:19) (public domain)
Comfort, Comfort Ye My People (34:50) (public domain)
Song of Simeon (38:04) (public domain)

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