Don't Stop Short 23 Nov. '24

3 months ago

Don't Stop Short of Goal of Making it; Don't understand the Word with dark glasses of preconceived notions; Read straight through Gen. to Rev.; Allow Holy Ghost to lead and guide in ALL Truth, instead of opinions of mankind; "God" Yahweh is NOT in Control; saying He is, is not an accurate statement; NOTHING is out of His Control, BUT, He has given man self will to even make bad choices Gen., but He intervenes at times; Believers should be the one is public offices; church has failed Yahweh in by Standing against evil, light & salt; "grove" is still in America; lie of Rapture abound, yet people don't really believe that by their actions; many people pray to god, while some pray to Yahweh but not correctly thus He does Not hear nor answer; we stop short of doing the right thing or long enough, i.e. prayer before your miracle happens or making to Heaven; 2Kings 13

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