Score one for the good guys

2 months ago

Trump names Based Patriot Kash Patel to lead the FBI. Credit too: Washington Slimes.
New York Compost. Fox News.
An as always. Crying liberal faggots. An the Great Benny Johnson: Trump put Wray in as FBI director because people
He thought he could trust told
Him too…. Trump knew that he didn’t know government like
He knew business. So for the country he deferred to people he saw as patriots.
Maybe they didn’t like him but they cared for the country. That was a mistake…. Wray came out about 3 months ago an said, “ Trump probably wasn’t shot.”…..downplayed the PA shooting. Never mentioned the dead firefighter. Who had his head blown off in front off his family. While others in the crowd tried to save him…… a couple days later
The FBI put out a statement saying yeah Trump was shot….. this man an his agency have no decency. I have a million more gross examples….. I think most these crooks will get away with it. The rhinos might even block cash like they Blocked Gatez.
Gatez was going to come after Insider trading in congress. Both parties. That’s why he was scalped politically from AG……. Regardless I
Love seeing these worms quiver. They don’t care about the country. They love power an hate Trump. Fuck’em.

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