Some Just Don't Play Patriot, SOME ARE PATRIOTS 🐸

2 months ago

This is my Brother's Story

My name is Dylan Smyth. I am  42 years old. I answered the phone the other day and it was the FBI. They told me I had a warrant for my arrest pertaining to January 6th 2021 in DC. I turned myself in and spent 8 hours shackled in a holding cell. The judge arranged me that afternoon and I'm currently out on bond. I'm being charged with 2 felonies and 3 mistermeaner crimes I most definitely did not commit. I'm facing 17.5 years, that might as well be life. I have four daughters. I'm afraid I'll miss too much of their lives. Every second counts. I currently have 50% custody of my two younger daughters and if I have to do jail time, I will lose that. If the same kangaroo courts that have been persecuting Patriots and going after President Trump get their way. I cannot receive a fair trial in DC.

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