2 months ago

LaMar, in his new book Sing to the King, describes how God is so joyful when His children walk in truth and obey Him that He sings out loud to them.

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"Think of the great Jehovah singing! Can you imagine it? Is it possible to conceive of the Deity breaking into a song: Father, Son, and Holy Ghost together singing over the redeemed?

God is so happy in the love which He bears to His people that He breaks the eternal silence. In awe, the sun, moon, and stars listen as God Himself chants a hymn of joy."

This imagery is breathtaking. Zephaniah 3:17 reveals this truth: "The Lord your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; He will rejoice over you with gladness; He will quiet you by His love; He will exult over you with loud singing."

Can you believe it? Our God sings over us! And not quietly or passively—He sings loudly, with overwhelming joy.

We worship a joyful God who not only delights in us but invites us to reflect His joy by singing to Him with that same exuberance. Imagine the possible transformation when God Himself sings—just one song from Him changes everything.

This verse begins with “The Lord your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save;" stating God is present with you as a mighty warrior. As an all-powerful fighter, God is fully capable of saving and defending you.

It goes on to say, "He will rejoice over you with gladness." He delights in us so deeply that His joy erupts with happiness, much like a groom rejoicing over his bride (Isaiah 62:5). What a tender and passionate love!

When I think of this, I can’t help but be moved by the reality that God’s rejoicing is not just a quiet smile but an irresistible, overflowing joy. The word "rejoice" here means to be exceedingly happy—so happy it’s impossible to contain. Picture the Creator of the universe bursting with joy, delight, and happiness over you, His beloved child.

Then the verse says, "He will quiet us in His love." His love calms and reassures us, silencing every fear with His tender presence and encouraging words.

His deep affection wraps around us like a warm embrace, chasing away fear. The image is of a groom standing ready to protect and comfort his bride—it’s a glimpse of how Jesus, our mighty warrior, defends and reassures us.

And then it says, "He will exult over you with loud singing." He sings over us songs of proclamations of truth, intercession, and victory. Can you hear it? The voice of the Lion of Judah declares His truth over your life, speaks His Word into every circumstance, and sings joy and triumph into every moment.

I think of 3rd John 4, where God spoke through John, "I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth." If an earthly father in the faith can feel such delight in his children obeying and loving him, how much more must our heavenly Father’s perfect heart overflow with joy when He sees us walking in obedience and love?

Think about it: God sings… you got to get the book. It is all laid out there.

Did you know the Christian faith is known as a singing faith? No other belief system inspires the joy and music that Jesus does. Through His redemption, resurrection, and the promise of eternal life, we have endless reasons to sing. And just as God sings over us, we are called to sing to Him.

So, my dear friend, whatever challenges you’re facing, hold on to this reality: the God who is mighty to save enters your circumstances, sings declarations of victory over you, and quiets your heart with His love. There is no room for fear when your Heavenly Father is singing. His voice cancels and absorbs all the negativity and lies in the room.

You see…When HE sings, everything changes. And because of His song, you WILL overcome.

Lord Jesus, give us ears to hear the melodies of your ecstatic affection for us.

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