BASH! : 'Captiain Sensible' | Cupchairs Reviews with Kate Glock

3 months ago

🎶 BASH! brings vibrant energy with *Captain Sensible* 🎶

Emerging in 2018, BASH! has quickly established themselves as a standout in the alt-pop world, and their track *Captain Sensible* is a perfect example of their dynamic sound. This bubblegum pop-meets-fuzzy rock anthem is the title track of their EP *After My Happy Ever After*, released in 2023. The track exudes playful boldness while remaining emotionally grounded, showcasing the band's artistic growth.

With shimmering synths, energetic beats, and irresistibly catchy melodies, *Captain Sensible* feels like a nod to early No Doubt, The Cardigans, and even touches of Garbage. The female vocals shine brightly, blending warmth, vibrato, and moments of distortion that add unique character and emotion.

Whether you’re drawn in by the infectious vibe or the intricate production layers that reveal themselves with every listen, this is a song worth revisiting. The EP highlights BASH!’s creativity and talent, making it a must-add to your playlist!

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