Shameless Scarborough Buries Biden Pardon 51 Minutes Deep - Then Still Doesn't Say Boo!

3 months ago

Posted • December 2, 2024: The incontrovertible top story of the day is Joe Biden's pardon of his son Hunter, and the president having repeatedly lied in promising not to do so. But Joe Scarborough doesn't describe the pardon as even being one of the two top stories of the day. Instead, he buries it 51 minutes into Morning Joe. And even when the show finally gets around to the subject, the gutless Scarborough doesn't express an opinion on the pardon and Biden's lies about it, instead just letting his panelists hash it out.

Twitchy: So Much for 'No One Is Above the Law'! X Reacts to Joe Biden's Pardon of Hunter
Townhall: Did You Read Biden's Statement About His Pardon of Hunter? It's Jaw-Dropping.
Twitchy: New Narrative Dropped! Former State Department Analyst Says Joe Pardoned Hunter Because He's a Good Dad
RedState: Trump Reacts to Hunter Biden Pardon: 'Such an Abuse and Miscarriage of Justice!'
Townhall: Why Joe Biden's Pardoning of Hunter Just Led to a Ton of Libs Eating Crow
Twitchy: Still Polling Well? Nate Silver Not Done With Dem Party Despite Hunter Biden Pardon
Rumble: Why Joe Biden's Pardoning Of Hunter Just Led To A Ton Of Libs Eating Crow
Twitchy: John Harwood's Take on Biden Pardoning Hunter Aged Like Gas Station Sushi in the July Sun
Rumble: Joe Walsh Decrying The Hunter Biden Pardon On MSNBC… Being Met With "A Father's Love" Is PURE CINEMA
Twitchy: Hunter Biden Issues Statement, Takes Responsibility for His Mistakes After His Dad Issued Pardon for Them

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