Pisi Linux System

3 months ago

Pisi #GNU #Linux #Distro #System

Pisi GNU/Linux, developed by the free software community, with a focus on end-users of GNU / Linux distribution.

Pisi Linux welcomes you with a wide range of applications after installing. One of hundreds of packages in the store will surely see your work. There is also easily recognize your hardware.

Pisi Linux shows intense efforts to support fully our native language. the packages in the repositories of utmost importance to Turkish support. He carries out the translation work for packets that do not support Turkish.

You can customize your computer with an unlimited number of combinations which exceed the limits of your mind thanks Pisilinux KAPTAN with KDE. You imagine, KAPTAN do.

Pisi Linux use, never as easy as you ummadag! Do not settle with being offered to you, as you can imagine, develop, use easily!

It can make the installation as quickly as never before. After installation, the driver does not deal with set up, you can enjoy your time on your computer.

Have you deal with viruses in trouble? Pisi Linux, the power it gets from the lower supposed to do, never let it get Pisi Linux viruses in your system. pisilinux.org official web.

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