Scott Jennings goes off on "brain-rotted" Democrats

3 months ago

Scott Jennings goes off on "brain-rotted" Democrats who are defending Biden's pardon of Hunter.

This CNN panel member got upset at him "hurling names." She claimed Biden never "lied" and Jennings absolutely LOST IT.

"Every American, except the most partisan, brain-rotted people are going to be outraged by this today."

"To sit for a year and say 'I will not do this. I will not do this. The rule of law is sacred. We have to respect the justice system. We have to respect juries, the guardrails and the norms of our democracy.' These people are LIARS."

PANEL MEMBER: "Scott, you don't need to hurl names..."

JENNINGS: "Stand up for yourself, you don't have to defend this. You don't have to die on this hill. You can say 'This is wrong.' Are you fine with the lying?"

PANEL MEMBER: "I don't think that he was lying."

JENNINGS: *Falls forward laughing*

"Joe Biden, Karine Jean-Pierre - how many minutes of tape do we have of both of these people the American people 'this will not happen.' We could play it all morning."

"If Karine Jean-Pierre had an ounce of self respect, she'd get off the plane in Africa today [and] resign."

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