CDS Chlorine Dioxide Solution (A Suppressed COVID Treatment)

3 months ago

CDS Chlorine Dioxide Solution: A powerful cure that kills pathogens. Why was it suppressed during COVID?

Biophysicist Andreas Kalcker has developed a 100% effective cure for COVID-19 and all its variations. He has been researching a substance called chlorine dioxide for over 13 years. NASA labelled this substance 'The Universal Antidote' in 1987, because it can destroy ANY PATHOGEN in the human body.

His treatment was first used for COVID-19 by the military, police and politicians in Bolivia, who all recovered in four days. A law was then passed making it a nationwide treatment. As a result, the rate of 100 deaths a day went down to virtually zero. A clinical trial then confirmed the efficacy of this treatment against COVID-19. Now over 5,000 physicians in 25 nations use chlorine dioxide (or in short, CDS) to save lives.

Andreas Kalcker, however, encountered something astonishing: the moment it became known that his treatment was curing people from Covid, he was massively censored.

All his social media pages were take down, his scientific account on was deleted, his book was removed from Amazon, and he has been slandered all over the internet. It was obvious that this cure for Covid must be hidden at all costs.

Learn about The Universal Antidote, and discover why it is being hidden from humanity, in this video.


Theta Health is an online health and wellness platform.


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