Massive Explosions in Deaths of Youngest and Healthiest After Covid Vaccine Rollout

1 day ago

11/29/2024 Dr. Pierre Kory @PierreKory: It's not only that we've had excess mortality, but it's in the young and healthiest people of society after the covid vaccine rollout. The life insurance data showed massive explosions in the deaths of some of the youngest and healthiest. It has never been described outside of wartime. And yet, the media was completely silent about it.
#excessmortality #covidvaccine #bioweapon #lifeexpectancy #lifeinsurance
11/29/2024 皮埃尔·科里医生:新冠疫苗推出后,我们不仅遭受了超额死亡,而且死亡主要发生在社会上最年轻、最健康的人群中。人寿保险数据显示,一些最年轻和最健康群体的死亡人数激增。这种情况只有在战时才会出现。然而,媒体对此鸦雀无声。
#超额死亡 #新冠疫苗 #生物武器 #预期寿命 #人寿保险

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