Cyberpunk 2077 Nomad Ep181 - Swedenborg-Riviera (No Commentary)

3 months ago

The little road trip that V drags Johnny along for, hunting down the mysterious Swedenborg Riviera made me realize something - this game is seriously lacking in any kind of hidden collectibles or treasures, requiring time and effort to track and down collect.

I'm not counting the tarot cards for Misty, those are too easily found when they are already marked on the map right from the start. The Iconics that go onto Vs stash wall don't really add up to anything in the end unless you focus a specialized build on using them.

Embarking on a multi-stage hunt to find Swedenborg Riviera, going from router to router until you reach the end of the quest, that needs to be adapted into other quests if there's ever another cyberpunk title. Something that takes you on a long trip, covering multiple locations in the game world spread far apart from each other.

And they need to have some kind of reward at the end that's some form of unique item, not even necessarily a useable piece of gear or weapon, just something you won't find anywhere else in the game.

Something more than the very forgettable bits of memorabilia scattered around Vs apartment, which the player hardly ever visits.

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