DFW Copper Deficiency By Researcher Jannie Gallizia Australia 1st Dec 2024

2 months ago

Holistic Cellular Detox
Our cells remove toxins in six ways
1. Electrical method - by Earthing , creating zero voltage in cells for 8 hours
2. Mechanical methods - by applying temperature, pressure and gravity on cells. Sweating, urination, breathing out and defecation
3. Endocrine secretion - by information, converting to thoughts and connecting to emotions. 90% detox is done by this system
4. Antioxidation - by food, herbs and oils where protein vitamins minerals carbs and fats support detox by cell building
5. Hydration - detox इस done by cellular transportation with water and juices
6. Oxidation - by burning carbs in mitochondria and removing toxins

Oxidation at the cellular level manages the electro molecular fequency of the cells. Thus all method of detox ultimately supports the oxidation and hydration
Support your all six methods regularly to maintain cellular health.
Who should do it?
1. Those who want to continue to maintain their health - do it once in six months
2. Those who have various chronic or acute illnesses - do it till all toxins are gone out
3. Those who are so I'll that all health care systems rejected them, do a palliative care without side effect. Get palliative care counseling and allow peaceful exit.
Our cells are Designed to detox
Maintain it, with a method, by giving the right quantity of material in the right location for the rest of your life without worrying about adverse effect.
Avoid materials which can be taken only for short periods of time due to its side effects, when used for longer periods

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