On These Questions, Smarter People Do Worse

2 months ago

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00:00 This research paper has fascinated me for years
00:21 The skin cream question
04:20 How politics influences our reasoning
5:10 The gun control question
8:42 Are people rational decision makers?
9:27 Why people think tribally
10:38 What can we do about political polarisation?

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Kahan D, M. et al. (Sept 3, 2014). Motivated numeracy and enlightened self-government. Behavioural public policy, 1(1), 54-86 - https://ve42.co/Kahan2017
TEDx Talks. (Dec 10, 2018). Are Smart People Ruining Democracy? via Youtube - https://ve42.co/KahanTedx
Cardiff University. (Mar 6, 2014). The Science Communication Environment via Youtube - https://ve42.co/KahanCardiff
spitfirestrategies. (Nov 21, 2012). How cultural values shape beliefs and perceptions of risk via Youtube - https://ve42.co/KahanSpirit

Images & Video:
TEDx Talks. (Dec 10, 2018). Are Smart People Ruining Democracy? via Youtube - https://ve42.co/KahanTedx

Directed by Wylie Overstreet and Derek Muller
Written by Wylie Overstreet and Derek Muller
Edited by Trenton Oliver
Animated by Fabio Albertelli, James Cheetham
Illustrated by Jakub Misiek, Emma Wright, and Maria Gusakovich
Filmed by Derek Muller and Wylie Overstreet
Additional research by Gabe Bean
Produced by Wylie Overstreet, Derek Muller, Rob Beasley Spence, Gabe Bean, Gregor Čavlović, and Tori Brittain
Thumbnail contributions by Jakub Misiek, Ren Hurley and Peter Sheppard
Additional video/photos supplied by Getty Images, Storyblocks
Music from Epidemic Sound

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