The real reason you can't relax ...

3 months ago

The real reason you can't relax ...

Have you ever felt like your thoughts are battling against each other, leaving you drained, tense, and restless?

It’s your day off, the sun is shining and the birds are singing, and here you are, trying to relax in an easy chair outside, but your body/mind won’t let you.

You are unable to quiet the chaos within.

It’s a familiar struggle for most busy people.

I’ve lived it too, and I’ve learned how to heal it.

Today, I want to share insights that have helped not just me but countless others regain inner peace, integrate the splits in their personalities, and learn to truly rest.

It’s easy to believe that the constant chatter in our minds is just “thoughts.”

I practiced CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy) for years, but it never gave me the Big Breakthrough I was looking for at the time.

It was too much on the surface and I needed help to get underneath my thinking patterns and resolve the trauma that was constantly recreating war like mental states.

I wanted real peace, not just truce where you put your weapons down, only to pick them up the next morning.

The truth is that when you are in highly stressed state, your thoughts aren’t just random—they’re the voices of wounded parts of yourself.

Imagine each wounded part of yourself as a separate entity within you.

These parts have their own thoughts, stories, and fears attached to their own memories.

To read Grada's Blog in full go to ...

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