Biden Lies, The Vax is Whack, & Putin prepares more Oresniks: Ep 6

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Biden's family has been tried and convicted of some awfully naughty things (they will be getting coal this year) and sleepy Joe Biden himself made a boldface lie several times about not pardoning his son.
- Fairly deep dive into the crimes the Biden's committed
- Baby boomers are being stolen from by the system

The Russia Ukraine war and the escalations
- Israel is also a hot topic

Vaccines (especially covid) are hurting people.
- Have we taken the jab and did we feel pressured to take it?
- RFK talked about a meeting where a vax group looked at the data about autism being caused by vaccines and decided to sweep it under the rug
- List of shady materials including Cocker Spaniel kidney cells and mercury that are in vaccines

- What should the rules be?

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