Indiana Jones Crystal Scull Bolshiveks FAFO Final scene

3 months ago

I'm sharing a scene from the movie, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, when the Soviet Bolshiveks and the psychic Colonel Dr. Irina Spalko FAFO final scene.

I customized this background and description and added the captions that I proofread for you.

****** from Fandom synopsis

As the Paramount Pictures logo fades into a mountain made out of sand, a prairie dog peeks into the outside world from its little hill and is nearly run over by a group of reckless driving youngsters. Said youngsters challenge Franklin and Roosevelt, two soldiers in the lead car of a US army convoy, to a race. Both cars race, but after a short while the army car and the trucks and other cars behind it veer right and drive up to a gate. Russians disguised as United States army officials gun down US soldiers guarding the gate to Area 51. Indiana Jones and George "Mac" McHale are pulled out of a car's trunk and are immediately surrounded by Soviet soldiers with guns. Indy initially refuses to answer if he has been there before or not and he is punched by Colonel Antonin Dovchenko. After refusing once more, the Colonel is about to hit him once more, when, out of one of the cars appears Dr. Irina Spalko, three times winner of the Order of Lenin. Irina tries to read Indiana's mind, but she says he is a "tough mind to read".

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