The Christmas you earned

3 months ago

It's rare to see a Christmas song that comes around that does something more than just filling your head with feel good tropes and thoughts of giving to people that don't deserve it! lets be real, most people earned coal in their stocking this year and a big fat middle finger from Santa as he flies off with his reindeer. especially those entitled snot nosed brats that scream and make a scene at every store across the nation. Don't reward bad behavior this year, instead send them this video or add this song to their Spotify, Youtube Music, or Apple Music playlist and when they open that coal you spent time wrapping up, be ready to flip them the bird and make sure they understand their behavior is why they won't be getting a everything they want this year.

In the darkness of night
He slithers between the lights
Marching onward with bag in tow
His victims grow

He knows when you've been sleeping
He knows when you're awake
He knows where you live
He knows you can't escape

Flaming hot coals are you're fate
He can smell the sins of you're mistakes
He leaves reminders that carry weight
His reindeer lie in wait

You should have behaved better since you were 8
You should have cleared the bad karma from your slate
No presents for you
It's too late

Maybe next year you'll be reformed
Presents around you're tree adorned
Santa wont look upon your name with scorn

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