Article 5136 Video - International Public Notice: We Called It By Anna Von Reitz

3 months ago

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Article 5136 Video - International Public Notice: We Called It - Sunday, December 1, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

We told you there was no "National Debt" --- just a lot of dishonest bookkeeping. We told you that the Federal Reserve was trading on Blood Money --- the labor, inventions, and performances of living people who never owed the Federal Reserve Banks a penny. We told you that the seigniorage from the debt note currency was being stolen from the American people as a result of the foreign Federal Reserve monopoly.

We exposed how the issuance of a single Federal Reserve Note I.O.U. garnered not only the seigniorage (difference between the cost of printing and face value of the "note") plus the goods and services exchanged for the I.O.U. initially, but also resulted in a cascade effect, where repeated exchanges of the notes resulted in more and more actual goods and services being exchanged for the same I.O.U. during the useful life of an individual Federal Reserve Note.

That is, a single $10 Federal Reserve Note garners $10 worth of actual goods and services each time it is exchanged, and that same note could be exchanged over 3,000 times before it gets too tattered to continue in circulation. That's $30,009.96 in pure inequitable profit per $10 Federal Reserve Note, realized as actual goods and services ---- and that is what generates the "debt", because the actual goods and services are never paid for.

Who ultimately owes this debt? The commercial corporations masquerading as our government, which go bankrupt, and foist this debt back onto the victims of this crime.

As long as this "system" continues, the debt accumulates on one side of the ledger, and all the credit for all the goods and services received is simply ignored. The books are never balanced.

This creates the appearance of an ever-accumulating "National Debt" on the part of the American people, when in fact the American people have been paying in goods and services, over and over again, the entire time.

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