Funny Cat Doesn't Hold Back With The Criticism

6 years ago

Did you know that cats are actually very particular music aficionados? Some of our beloved felines really like listening to music, and it turns out they have a very outstanding musical taste. Well, if you doubt that, just take a look at this video. Plus, it’s so cute and funny that you really don’t want to miss this one! It shows an adorable cat and her human friend enjoying a night at home. The cat is sitting on a table while her lady owner is playing the piano and sings to her cat. She starts off pretty strong, but just you wait until she tries to reach for the high note! The moment it happens, her adorable feline puts her paw on her shoulder and signals that she needs to start all over again! LOL! It seems this kitty cat does not hold back with her criticism and can’t stand mistakes! LOL!

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