Do you believe in COINCIDENCE? 2 US Presidential Chefs both end up of DEAD.

3 months ago

I had posted videos on the suspicious deaths of both of these Presidential chefs before. Obama's chef Tafari Campbell was a great swimmer who died at Obama's residence in a few feet of water and they tried to cover that up too by removing the Police call from the log book. I think both Chefs were in the midst of writing "tell all" books.
Remember that 40 something journalist in Arizona who was the first to report on Bill Clinton meeting Obamas AG Loretta Lynch on the Arizona tarmac? I posted a video on him as he had 3 young children and was writing a book about uncovering that & he got SUICIDED the very next year quietly under the radar but just researching I come across all these SUICIDES of regular people who bump up against the Satanic Criminal Cabal.

Coincidences are for those asleep but more and more are waking up to our real control reality by these people. Always best to ASSUME people are murdered than suicide when they rub up against this criminal cabal.

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