Australia's Digital ID 1st December 2024. "The Trust Mark". Rev: 13:16,17,18.

1 month ago

Obama arrives in Sydney Sunday 26th March 2023 as a private citizen.

+ 8 Months 4 Days (84) Obama born 4th August.

= Thursday 30th November 2023.
Karl S prank. Today Show. Breaking News: Out of the United Sates. Former US President we are just waiting to verify this at this point. We are hearing that former US President Barack Obama has been arrested and it may be on historic charges related to when he was in the Whitehouse. So pretty significant. Haha.
Later in that same day.
Strengthening Australia's Digital ID System.
Joint media release. Senator Kathy Gallagher. Mark Dreyfus Attorney General.
Read 1st July 2024 clause.

+ 216 Days (6x6x6) = Rev 13:18 = Pi Faith In Chaos. Movie 1998.

= 1st July 2024. Strengthening Australia's Digital ID System.
67 Million dollars allocated over 23/24 for the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) to perform Interim regulatory functions under the Digital ID legislation from 1st July 2024.

+ 21 Weeks 6 Days (216) Obama born on the 216th Day of the year. 4.8.61.

= Sunday 1st December 2024. Digital ID goes Live in Australia.
The Australian Competiton and Consumer Commision (ACCC) will be the Digital ID Regulator.

Timeline. To the Numbers of the Beast. The Number of his name. Revelation chapters 13,14,15.

Digital ID passes Senate. 27th March 2024.

+ 48 Days (4.8) Obama born 4th August.

= Digital ID Bill passes. Parliament. The house of Representatives.
16th May 2024.
The Digital ID Bill 2024 and
Digital ID (Transitional and Consequential Provisions) Bill 2024.
Has now passed both the Senate in March and the House of Representatives in May 2024.

+ 48 Days (Obama)

= 1st July 2024. Strengthening Australia's Digital ID System.
ACCC begins interim regulatory functions to:

No one shall buy and sell without it.
Goal 16.9 of the 17 sustainable goals 2030 agenda.

Obama turns 66 Years 6 Months old by February 2028. He is the Beast Man of Revelation chapter 13 KJB. Pope Francis is his false Prophet.

4.8.2028 = 67th Birthday. = 804 Months old. Milestone. His other Milestone will be 4.8.2031 = 70th Birthday = 840 Months old.

I have covered extensively the 666/216 Australian Pension changes in videos that speaks to a similar system they have accounted for and orchestrated covering many decades.

Any bookkeeper, accountant, finance person, intelligent man or woman should find my data most interesting and alarming indeed.

To use the MDL mobile drivers license Digital ID system with ISO 18013 that sells for 216 Swiss francs would be a monumental Eternal Mistake.

To not know or BELEIVE after reading and hearing the fine print of your King James Bible is a game of willful ignorance that will have eternal consequences.

God says in his word that he wishes that none shall perish.

Hey: The Australian Gove even says that the Digital ID Bill is Transitional, (what it looks like today is not what it may look like tomorrow) Consequential, (That being you can opt out Its voluntary but we will lock you out of essential services eventually for non compliance.)

This Global political WAR to 2030 is a Spiritual one.


Join the winning side or you too will Perish.

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