The Vengeance of the LORD is Coming

3 months ago

The vengeance of the LORD is coming, in fact it is already here. It is an answer to our prayers and our adversary the devil is already at work to undermine it calling good, evil just like God warned us in Isaiah 5:20.

This word is not political, but rather governmental. It is framed by the spiritual war which spilled from heaven to earth in Revelation 12 and in this case, it is Satan warring against God's plan in the governmental realm where the adversary absolutely operates politically.

Politics has to do with the art of compromise. Politicians use compromise to advance their career and or gain personal or party power. It's selfishly motivated.

Servant leaders who run and serve in a political office will also use compromise as well. But in their case, it is a form of statesmanship for the good of this nation and the people they represent.

In this video I'm going to unveil what the adversary is already doing in the media. I'll illustrate his strategic plan to dumb down the American public by examining modern dictionaries and comparing it to the Noah Webster's Dictionary the 1828 edition which drew its definition and understanding from the Bible. It clearly illustrates the difference between selfish vengeance which is a heinous crime verses the vengeance which comes because laws have been violated and the vengeance is just and right.

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