7th Rolampont Training Area Dec 26 1917 to Feb 16 1918 42nd Division

3 months ago

(This film is silent)

Scope & Content: 117th Field Signal Bn. troops ride motorcycles and inspect a portable machine shop. 165th and 167th Inf. troops practice with bayonets. 165th Inf. units form skirmish lines and attack trenches. 167th Inf. units pass in review before Col. MacArthur. 165th Inf. troops fire French 75's in practice and contest French soldiers in disassembling the guns. 166th Inf. troops fire Stokes trench mortars. Supplies are loaded on trucks at Rolampont depot. 149th and 151st Machine Gun Bn. troops and French units run relay races at Villierssur-Suize.

Creator(s): Department of Defense. Department of the Army. Office of the Chief Signal Officer. 9/18/1947-2/28/1964 (Most Recent)
Series: Historical Films, ca. 1914 - ca. 1936
Record Group 111: Records of the Office of the Chief Signal Officer, 1860 - 1985

Production Date: 1936
Other Title(s): Historical Film, No. 1259
Sound Type: Silent


Contact(s): National Archives at College Park - Motion Pictures (RDSM), National Archives at College Park, 8601 Adelphi Road
College Park, MD 20740-6001
Phone: 301-837-3540, Fax: 301-837-3620, Email: mopix@nara.gov

National Archives Identifier: 24762
Local Identifier: 111-H-1259
National Archives Catalog: https://catalog.archives.gov/id/24762

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