World Expansion Energy Vlog

3 months ago

World Expansion Energy Vlog title is from the date December 1, 2024 thus 21 The World Card a leveling up the bounty of the world is yours. Expansion lis from the Sacred Spirit Oracle Deck telling us to have an open mind and to seek new knowledge that will expand yo9ur mind.

The Schumann Resonance Today Disclousre news showed us an amplitude power of 10 at 7:00. AM UTC thus, we are moving swiftly to ward big Karmic Change. The quality a power of 11 thus Justice which we owuld like ot be fair balanced and truthful. We have witnessed this recently as Jack Smith drops the bogus case against Trump. The Frequency average is 8.05 thus 13the death and rebirth card or transformation and transition which we go through several sin a lifetime.

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