Exodus Unveiled: Moses, Yahweh, and the Anunnaki Connection

3 months ago

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In "Wars of Gods and Men," Zecharia Sitchin posits that during the time of the Exodus, Yahweh was likely a member of the Enlil tribe, specifically Ninurta, Enlil's son. Traditionally considered the singular God or Yahweh of the Israelites, Ninurta might be interpreted as an Anunnaki or a being connected to them, with a particular focus on guiding and preserving a specific lineage. Sitchin also suggests that Moses was the adopted son of Thothmose III and the adopted brother of Pharaoh Amenhotep II, rather than Ramses II.

It is essential to note that this particular line of Pharaohs chose to enslave the Israelites and later sought to extinguish their young boys. This decision could have been influenced by Amun Ra, also known as Marduk, but it is also possible that the Pharaohs acted out of their own volition. Some interpretations indicate that the pyramid wars were ongoing at this time, during which Amun Ra was temporarily captured by Ninurta, Utu, and Inanna within the Great Pyramid.

The Anunnaki's advanced technologies may have played a role in the miraculous events detailed in the Book of Exodus, such as the plagues of Egypt and the divine manifestations described as a pillar of cloud by day and fire by night. Viewed through this perspective, these extraordinary occurrences could represent sophisticated manipulation of the natural environment or advanced technologies beyond the comprehension of ancient peoples.

Wars of Gods & Men: https://a.co/d/3Pywror

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Alex Collier, Defending Sacred Ground, 1997

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