Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People? Why is there Suffering in the World if God is Good?

3 months ago

Why does God let bad things happen to good people? Why is there suffering in the world if God is good?

All the suffering is because God won't lie... yep. God's very first covenant promise to humanity was to give us free will. He will NOT break that promise no matter how crazy it gets down here. Could God wave His hand and obliterate all evil from the world? Yes He could. But that would require Him to break the free will promise He made to us and He won't do it. He insists upon giving us free will to the bloody end...

BUT the bigger part of this equation is that God also has ETERNAL VISION, something that we don't have yet while we're in these temporary physical bodies. He sees each one of us in the scope of eternity. He knows who and what each of us will be a thousand years from now... a million years from now... ten billion years from now. Our finite minds cannot fathom that, but HE sees all of that all simultaneously. He KNOWS that in a million years, our 80 or so years here on earth will only the the minutest blip to us. Any suffering here will mean absolutely nothing to us by then. So He does CARE about our suffering but He also sees the eternal truth of it. Our suffering may seem like everything to us right now, but the truth is that it means very little in the scope of eternity...

#JesusIsFaithful #Godisgood #Godistruth #jesuslovesyou #TruthRevealed #Godlovesus

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