Elphie the Fae speaks: NATURE & HUMANS how do we RECONNECT?

3 months ago

Elphie to me “You will be leading as a pioneer of the dirt factor.”

12.30 how to go about KILLING ANIMALS that we're going to be eating.
13.13 Elphie brings up perfumery, as a metaphor to explain the separation needed between life and death of these animals: a PRIEST for the animals.
“spirit-based-killing” it must be acknowledged, appreciated and responsibility taken for this process.

19.45 Value systems of life, of motherhood, or conception. What is valuable? The feeling fo connection to Source: our joy factor, how much feeling of energy moving through us: quiet or crazy-wild.

When you connect to nature deeper, you connect to yourself deeper.

Nature and yourself and creation all have the same Source

20.55 The pesticides and artificial fertilisers:

true fertilisers are: animal dungs, seaweed and nitrogen-fixing crops ( lucerne, alfalfa, clover, nettles etc)
23.19 Artificial fertiliser they don’t like it because it is HEAVY- it doesn’t feel ‘right’. It doesn’t naturally break f-down: Elphie uses a metaphor of good flaky pastry.
26.40 She gives the metaphor of a good wine for the complexity needed in the soil.
29.00 She speaks on how very pressed into tiny spaces we have become.
“A few have control the money for too long.”
30.39 I ask Elphie how we remove these oppressors: “there is no easy answer, but you need to start in a stepping stone way.

You must begin to live, speak and rejoice in your freedom. You need to start to take choices and be open about it. Instead of being embarrassed when you speak in this way……It must be normal to reject pressure…..This is all that needs to be done: thousands of you, hundreds of thousands, millions and then billions. You must reject ‘them’.

32.20 I ask her how do we spread THAT message?
“As you act, you speak about it. As you act you share about it. Tell people, "this is what I do", "I do this because…”, "I do not do this because…”, "I choose this because…”. Be verbal, verbal, be verbal.
33.44 when you teach a child with the Montessori method, you speak as you do. You explain as you do. You demonstrate, and then you give it to the child. It does not mean the child is stupid, it is just that the child has not done it before.
34.30 I suggest that could take a long time, so I ask and see how we can increase this.
She explains very fast: when we clear the sacrificial sights, clear more of the sadness the suffering and the torment, the incredible negative energy, which has been holding down the natural energy of the planet, when we clear this, we shift the atmosphere. (I recommend you go and see my other videos on this to be inspired the different ways you can do this yourself in your own geographical region)
When the atmosphere shifts, it's it's an octave, in frequency, which means that those who were asleep become more awake.
This is what we have to do: remove the place of the agony and fear. Elphie goes on to use the metaphor, of a person walking around with bleeding cuts, where the energy is leaking in the form of the blood and injury can come in. Or somebody who has had those cuts healed.
35.55 we must heal the cuts: the places where the energy was deliberately destroyed, distorted hurt and poisoned, with pain, sorrow and torment.
People are not quite comprehending that this has been going on for eons: entrapped into the very fibre of our planet, at her most important points, done deliberately by those who understood the grade of the Earth and how to keep her energy down.
37 00 we must go to these places and release and clear out these energy wounds of the planet. The changing energy enables us to be powerful enough for us to say no : suddenly they are no more than just a group of rather disgusting individuals, and we are billions more than they.

This is for those relatives and friends of yours who are just teetering on the edge of change: they want something better for themselves, some thing more nature-leaning: whether food and diet, growing or making it themselves, the awareness for the need to connect more deeply through themselves to nature is just budding through…this is the course. Nine sections, each representing a different segment of your daily life. https://gnostictv.com/programs/living-as-medicine-collection?via=dr-isabel
This course filled with my heart-blood and lives of experience, is one of the first GNOSTIC.tv University Courses, and we are running a friendly offer of 50% off, making this course a purchasable $49.95 when you use the coupon word “Medicine”.

Join me on https://gnostictv.com/programs/dr-isabel-aimee-6?via=dr-isabel
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