#116 Sam Broughton

3 months ago

Welcome fellow Spons to this week's episode of the Sponcast Podcast!! We have a returning guest (Aka our second attempt of this interview). He is now earned the title of "Iron Man" or as I call him "Iron Chef Sam" please welcome Sam Broughton! He is a ultra endurance athlete and a public speaker for mental health awareness. In this episode we dive into Sam's family life growing up, what inspired him to get into endurance sports starting with a spontaneous last minute fill in for the Spartan Race! We also dive into mental health, having a positive attitude even when you are going through adversity and much more!
As always thank you for supporting the pod. Share it, give it a like, and a sub!
Most importantly go support my guest down below!!
Instagram : @slamuel96
Email : movementisagift@gmail.com

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