The UN Ignores The Persecution of Christians | የተባበሩት መንግስታት የክርስቲያኖችን ስደት ችላ ብሎታል

3 months ago

👉 Courtesy:

😈 United Nations Were Created to Destroy The African Continent

😈 “የተባበሩት መንግስታት የተመሠረተው የአፍሪካን አህጉር ለማጥፋት ነው።” ትክክል!

🔥 የዩክሬን ጦርነት አሳይቶናል፡-
😈 በኢሉሚናዊ - ሉሲፈሪያን - ሜሶናዊ - ሰይጣናዊ አጀንዳዎችን የሚከተሉት የምዕራባውያኑ ኤዶማውያን - ምስራቃውያኑ እስማኤላውያን አካላት ፣ ቡድኖች እና ግለሰቦች በጥንታውያኑ ኦሮቶዶክስ ክርስቲያኖች ላይ በአጠቃላይ ባለፉት ሦስት መቶ ዓመታት፣ በተለይ ላለፉት መቶ ሰላሣ ዓመታት እና ዛሬ የዘር ማጥፋት ጂሃድ በማካሄድ ላይ ያለውንና በክፉው ግራኝ አብዮት አህመድ አሊ የሚመራውን የፋሺስት ጋላ-ኦሮሞ አገዛዝን እየረዱ ነው።

🔥 The War in Ukraine Shows us:
😈 United by their Illuminist-Luciferian-Masonic-Satanist agendas The following Edomite-Ishmaelite entities, bodies and individuals are helping the genocidal fascist Oromo regime of evil AbiyAhmed Ali:

☆ The World Health Organization
☆ Tedros Adhanom
☆ Klaus Schwab
☆ The European Union
🔥 THE AFRICAN UNION / Moussa Faki Mahamat
☆ The United States, Canada & Cuba
☆ Presidents Biden & Trump
☆ Russia
☆ Ukraine
☆ China
☆ Israel
☆ Arab States / Arab League /UAE
☆ Southern Ethiopians
☆ Oromara Amharas
☆ Oromos
☆ Eritrea
☆ Djibouti
☆ Kenya
☆ Somalia
☆ Egypt
☆ Iran
☆ Pakistan
☆ India
☆ Azerbaijan
☆ Amnesty International
☆ Human Rights Watch
☆ World Food Program (2020 Nobel Peace Laureate)
☆ The Nobel Prize Committee
☆ The World Economic Forum
☆ The World Bank & International Monetary Fund
☆ The Atheists and Animists
☆ The Muslims
☆ The Protestants
☆ The Sodomites
☆ Mainstream Media

💭 Even those nations that are one another enemies, like: 'Israel vs Iran', 'Russia + China vs Ukraine + The West', 'Egypt + Sudan vs Iran + Turkey', 'India vs Pakistan' have now become friends – as they are all united in the anti-Christian, anti-Zionist-Ethiopia-Conspiracy. This has never ever happened before, it is a very curios phenomenon – a strange unique appearance in world history.

✞ With the Zionist Tigray-Ethiopians are:
❖ The Almighty Egziabher God & His Saints
❖ St. Mary of Zion
❖ The Ark of The Covenant

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