Ep. 516 The MORPH Method with Jake Platt

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Shawn & Janet Needham R.Ph. have Jake Platt on the podcast to discuss the MORPH Method.

Jake Platt
Website | www.morphmethod.com
Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/coachjakeplatt/
Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/jakeplatt68
X | https://x.com/coachjakeplatt
LinkedIn | https://www.linkedin.com/in/jake-platt-08012aa/
TikTok | http://tiktok.com/coachjake_platt

Health Solutions
Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/HealthSolutionsPodcast
Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/health_solutions_shawn_needham/

Moses Lake Professional Pharmacy
Website | http://mlrx.com.com/

Shawn Needham
X | https://x.com/ShawnNeedham2
Shawn’s Book | http://mybook.to/Sickened_The_Book

0:00 - Start
0:36 - Jake’s Introduction
1:11 - Jake’s Background
1:38 - Coaching
6:46 - Current Trends
10:00 - The MORPH Method
13:17 - Delayed Gratifcaiton
16:27 - Sick Care vs. Prevention
18:38 - Success Story
20:48 - Consistency
21:50 - Health is Wealth
23:35 - Clients
27:28 - Jake’s Passion
27:55 - Jake’s Website
28:52 - Closing Comments

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