David Ebel's Part 2 - OBE Testimonial - Accessing Outside of the Construct

3 months ago

David shares his success in achieving the out-of-body state using Darius J. Wright's AYDA Method.

Personally, David has experienced both a near-death experience (NDE) and an out-of-body state (OBE). In both instances, while using the protocols and exiting his body, he confirms once again in part 2 that NDE and OBE are the same. He accessed outside the construct and was able to see the many different realms within it. He also accessed the white room and was shown a life review to help him in his earthly journey, guided by an angelic being.

David is now part of the many individuals accessing the other side through a controlled out-of-body state, becoming fully self-aware of who we are and remembering once again.

Watch David Ebel's Part 1 - OBE Testimonial Part 1: Accessing Heaven:

Darius J. Wright’s Mission:

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