Terminus: Adventures in the Eversprawl Review "Nuff Said!"

1 month ago

I ran a Halloween one-shot using Rob Necronomicon's FASERIP setting, Terminus: Adventures in the Eversprawl. It was a lot of fun and this pdf really demonstrates the flexibility of the FASERIP system!

Pdf is here: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/fr/product/493073/terminus-horror-setting-for-faseripopedia-epic-fantasy-rpg

#osr #lotfp #dnd #dnd5e #dnd4e #dnddm #ttrpgfamily #ttrpgcommunity #ttrpgs #lotfp #FASERIP #Heroic #marvel #DC

Twitter: @lordmatteus23
Blog: https://lordmatteus.wordpress.com/

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