Is this what freedom

3 months ago

Is this what freedom looks like now? Our children have paid a dear price for this sham of a virus and it's gonna stop here and stop now! 🆓️🇺🇸 🌎

BQQQM! MILITARY INTEL: The DEVOLUTION PLAN! Disclosing the Truth Behind the White Hats’ Military Operations- Strategic Military Plan!

BQQQM! Uncover the explosive truth of the Devolution Plan! White Hats wage war on the deep state, exposing Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, and the British monarchy. Dive into a high-stakes battle to dismantle corrupt power and restore justice. The fight for truth is here!

A Storm of Secrets!

There's a reason there was SEVENTEEN rounds of voting before we got to Speaker Johnson.

The deal has been done.

Even as you're about to undergo 50 days of UniParty shrieking that they'll NEVER EVER ALLOW any of Trump's picks to be confirmed, certainly not the Bondi or Kash picks?

It's irrelevant.

Trump's going to get his recess appointments and he's going to appoint ALL OF THEM for a two year period.

And there won't be a fucking thing Mitch McTurtle can do to stop it. It's right THERE in the US Constitution.

The idea that the SENATE has firm and total control over the Executive Branch's personnel decisions is a f*cking LEGAL FICTION that needs to die in a fire.

The Biden administration was stupidly maneuvered in to making the case FOR what Trump is about to do.

And yes, Trump has balls big enough to strike the match. And burn that legal fiction to the ground and then gleefully pee on the ashes.

And he will.

Ain't life grand?

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