Patriot Punkcast #63 - Tennessee's THANKSGIVING Drama

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With the Thanksgiving holiday closing most government offices and the General Assembly having yet to start up, there wasn't a lot of juicy news for the week. But boy was there was DRAMA!

Non-profits acting like Teenagers with their first Xbox Live account, an attempted character assassination by a Knox County Commissioner & the Librarian, Democrat, Actress with the Emotional Support Donkey has blamed this show and our guests for contributing to "Christian Nationalism."

Plus, we talk about the officer involved shooting in Cumberland County, MANGA "BANS," water problems in Benton County, Election Issues in Robertson County & much much more.

Never mind the bollocks, and watch the Patriot Punkcast!

TAGS: Tennessee, Tennessee Politics, Faith and Freedom Coalition of Tennessee, Americans for Prosperity, Tennessee Conservative, Tennessee Star, Tennessee Republicans, election integrity, drama, politics, RINO, RINOS, Tennessee Rinos, School Choice, Banned Books, Manga, Banned Books, School Libraries, Public Libraries, Christian Nationalism, Democratic Party, Wilson County Democrats, Democrat Actors, Emotional Support Donkey, Crying Liberals, Sherri Garrett, Knox for Liberty, Knox4Liberty, Knox County, Knoxville, East Tennessee, Benton County, election assault, election issues, Cristy Baldwin, West Tennessee, Middle Tennessee, Thanksgiving, Podcasts, Patriot Punk, Patriot Punkcast, Patriot Punk Network

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