Interview With Iskolat - Part 2

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This is the second part of our interview with comrade Iskolat regarding the class struggles in the Baltic states. In this part of the interview we discuss the Great Patriotic Class War, the tactics of the Nazis, the treatment of the local languages by the Nazis and contrasting to the Communists and the deadly effects of revisionism.

Reading materials on Baltic socialism:

1) The Baltic Riddle by Gregory Meiksins.

2) Latvia - Our Dream is Coming True by Vilis Lācis.

3) E-repository of Soviet Latvian books (in Latvian and Russian).

Most of the books are there classic communist texts as well as history. Most books are PDFs that support text recognition (for instance, you can machine translate).

4) Lithuania - Wonderful Deeds Ahead by A. Sumauskas.
5) Anna Louise Strong. Lithuania’s New Way (aka The New Lithuania).
6) Estonia. Wonderful Present - Marvellous Future by A. Murisep.

If you want to support Iskolat and the project he and his cormades are involved in then use the details below:

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Accounts of Russian comrades (School of Scientific Communism, German Lopatin Communist Union, organized by Ruslan Kablahov):
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