Beneath Sheep's Clothing - The Communist Takeover of Culture in USSR & Parallels in Today's America

1 month ago

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Today in America, we are living in a time of war. Our country has been invaded by Communist forces that are training 49.4 million American public school children to become Marxist revolutionaries. Our churches are infiltrated by wolves in sheep’s clothing. And the bedrock ideologies upon which America was founded have been weakened to the point that they will die off with the older generations.

This is not fiction. This is a wake-up call to the American people – to everyone with children in schools, to Christians, and to anyone who cares about freedom.

The Soviet regime notoriously brainwashed its populace through its government-run schools and the media. It was ruthless in its treatment of Christians who didn’t comply. And it infiltrated its churches with KGB agents cloaked as clergy.

Over a century ago, the communist playbook began to be utilized on American soil. It appears to be close to reaching a pinnacle, after which there will be nothing to be done. America will fall to totalitarian rule. But not if we do something about it.

Now is not a time for complacency. It’s not a time to mind our own business or fear rocking the boat. Unless we are OK with the destruction of our free nation, the time is NOW to intimately understand the playbook of the enemy so we can foil the ravenous communist machine that has taken hold of our children, our churches, and our society!

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