Get Rid Of These Sins 🚮👆

3 months ago

Video Credit 🎥; r3alism_official (TikTok)

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Beloved of GOD ALMIGHTY,

I am seeing a lot of questions and comments on the comment section in regard to this particular video, the best place to find answers is at GOD'S Feet, how...have a daily walk with GOD ALMIGHTY through sincere and humble prayers, read HIS WORD, the Bible, GOD ALMIGHTY is enthroned in HIS WORD. HE will reveal alot to you, if you wait and are patient....HE will reveal alot to you 😊 ( I will expound on this topic in the main video soon, as GOD ALMIGHTY will lead me )

Those sins are just but a tip of the iceberg, if we could only see how much we displease and hurt Our CREATOR😢😔😥, we would stop in our tracks and mend our lives, our lifestyles to transform to HIS Infinite Will and what HIS Main intention for us was to be when we came to Earth,.. We were made to worship and serve the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY with all our hearts, minds and souls...but we deviated off the path and began doing other things that are not about HIM.

The only way to know if you are on the right track is look at yourself with the mirror of GOD'S Infinite WORD... (I mean the inner person looking into GOD'S Infinite WORD,) it will expose alot (Read Hebrews 4:11-13)

GOD ALMIGHTY Bless You as You dive deep into HIS Infinite WORD 👑 📖🌟

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