NATIONAL & PERSONAL CRISIS # 7, The Doctrine of Historical Trends - Part 1 (12-1-24)

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A. Even though history is the record of man’s thoughts, decisions, actions and motivations, it is Jesus Christ who controls history.
1. This is the first dispensation in which Jesus Christ controls history from His Hypostatic Union.
2. There are two sources of judgment in history: the sovereign decisions of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the erroneous decisions of mankind.
B. As goes the believer, so goes the historical trends at any point in any generation of the Church Age. Residence and momentum inside the Divine Dynasphere means historical uptrend, while involvement in the Cosmic System means historical downtrend.
C. People individually and collectively are the products of their own decisions.
1. Decisions create environment, not environment decisions.
2. There are no tragedies in history, just historical disasters. So-called historical disasters are not tragedies since individuals, nations, and empires are the products of their own self-determination.
3. The pattern of historical disaster begins with economic depression, moves to moral and immoral degeneracy, and ends in military disaster.
4. God selects the evilest nation to administer the fifth cycle of discipline to a degenerate client nation to destroy evil.

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