We're Nothing More than Guinea Pigs to These Mad Scientists! 🐀

21 days ago

We're Nothing More than Guinea Pigs to These Mad Scientists! 🐀 Stratosphere Aerosol Injection Attack on Florida at this moment!
President Bill Clinton Pathetic Apologizing for the ongoing Secret Military Experiments like, Syphilis Medical Experiments on the Black Community, Human Radiation Experiments! I could only imagine the experiments that was done on humans and every sort of animal imaginable back in World War II 😱
Bill Maher & Ice Cube On The Government Influences The Minds of Children!
History US Fort Detrick Biological Lab! They told Us a Long Time Ago! You Cannot Handle The Truth!
👀We are literally under attack and No One even knows it or see it! We Must Stop Geoengineering of Our Planet!🆘
👮OUR Uniformed Personnel! Must Stand With The People! Not The Corporate Corrupt Government(Mad Scientist)! We Have Today!🆘👇https://youtu.be/OP3VMFHgFxk
🏠Fixing My Mom's Home, Go fund Me Site. https://gofund.me/b93d6017
🎣Due to the Loss of Our Fisheries, in so many ways. Real Fishing Life is accepting Donations, from the Warriors that would like to Help Create Funding for Equipment & to Help Keep the Lights on!💡Even a Dollar Donation💸can make a Difference!❤️ https://givesendgo.com/GBNU1 https://www.gofundme.com/f/save-our-planet-from-toxic-chemtrail-operations

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